App Highlight Creator Highlight Shortcuts

Expand your knowledge about Shortcuts

In this article, we are going to dive into the social media accounts of shortcut enthusiasts and automation enthusiasts out there. Some of them may already be on your list of accounts to follow. But I recommend following these accounts if you are willing to expand your knowledge regarding the topic. If you feel like someone is missing on this list please send me a message. You can find my social links on the bottom of this page.

If you want to be notified when a new article publishes follow me on my socials or subscribe to my RSS feed.

Matthew Cassinelli
Apple,Workflow,Automations,Shortcuts,Technology, Expert level user

Rosemary Orchard
Automators host,iOS Today host, author of Build your Omnifocus Workflow and Take Control of Shortcuts, Expert level user.

Federico Viticci
Macstories,co-host appstories, Automations, Shortcuts, Open web, Expert level user

Mark Van Alstine
Shortcuts, Automations, Scriptable,JellyCuts, Expert level user

Matthias Hühne
iOS developer, Shortcuts, creator of the app Surfed for shortcuts

Antonio Bueno
Shortcuts,Automations, Expert level user

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